The human ability to explore the world, educate one's self, stretch one's perception and boundaries of security and comfort should be embraced as well as the emerging visceral feelings and emotions stemming from such experiences.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Reality of Equality

The truth of it is not every person who votes sees the world in the same way. Each of us, constituting the less than 30% of citizens who took the time to vote, completes their ballots based on perceptions they have of candidates, propositions, bond measures, "questions", etc. developed through a multitude of experiences, facts, opinions, lies, truths, bastardized statistics, and media bias.

It is a wonder how we even fit into our voting booths with everything we bring with us. I don't know what people refer when they make "informed decisions" at the polls because I struggle sorting through the campaign messages funded to an extent by special interest groups, Super PACs, and 1%-ers looking to promote their own agenda.

Despite working through all of the messages muddled by the reworkings of various campaign management gurus and biased media outlets, concepts seemingly steeped in moral code prove to be less than objective issues for many voters.

The state of Maryland voted on marriage equality yesterday, and I am proud to say that it passed. From what I can glean from Facebook posts, media, and friends was that it was a very controversial and close vote. I haven't seen the demographics supporting the vote, but I would hedge bets that the opposition came mostly from older voters and those who are devoutly religious, and the support came from a youthful, more progressive surge of voters. Obviously not every voter fits neatly into one of these categories, but I'm going out on a limb here...

The issue of marriage equality has been hotly debated in many states for a while now, and I understand why. Passing laws allowing complete equality necessitates a drastic change in what has been accepted as normal and appropriate in the lives of many throughout our country's history.

Many years ago, when racial minorities were fighting to be granted the same rights as the white majority, the opposition created arguments founded in religion in order to maintain the oppression of a particular group of people. It doesn't amaze me that there is opposition to gay marriage but that the arguments against it follow the arguments against desegregation and equal rights almost verbatim perplexes me.

Here is the video from Springfield, Missouri pastor, Phil Snider highlighting this truth. Make sure to watch the entire video:

This is a preacher who recognizes and acknowledges the fault in the current arguments against gay rights. Despite your specific interpretation of the scripture you hold to be truth or how you believe your God views gay people, you cannot deny the fact that they are people and, as citizens of this country, deserve equal rights. And if you are a "believer," it should be easy to accept that it is not for you to judge others, but only for God. Treat everyone as your savior would, and embrace them for who they are without limiting them in their pursuits of love and happiness. If faith has always been enough for you in your understanding of the world, do not change now. Rest assured your God will correct and balance whatever wrongs we mortals have perpetuated in our time on Earth.

In the effort of gay people to be recognized as equals under law, the open and opinionated leaders of the community have stepped forward to peacefully seek change, but it is those who remain closeted for whom I fear the most. I have known people whose sexuality and religion were at odds and experienced severe depression, anxiety, and stress because they were scared of the persecution and judgements handed down by peers, colleagues, friends, and family. Many of these people fell into a life clouded with self-hatred because they could not change who they were, and they realized they were far from being accepted in their churches, homes, and communities. Though they were physically surrounded by the people many of us think of as our basis of support, they were living in isolation.

Equality of rights is a step towards changing public opinion. Is there still racism in our country? Of course, but have the violent acts of racism and discrimination fallen from the mainstream culture? Yes, as will the negative perceptions of gay people once legislation begins to support them as equals.

Many people of minority races gave their lives for the rights gay people are seeking. The violent images of the reactions to various civil rights protests still stain our nations history. It does not have to be this way. Let's pave the way for acceptance, and let's build on it a nation where our first move as citizens is toward improving the quality of life for each other rather than preserving exclusivity for those of us born into the most beneficial demographic.  


Anonymous said...

What if u want to marry lots of gay people? Why only 1?

Andy G said...

Not sure what this comment is referencing. Not exactly sure what it means either. Please explain.

RM said...

You posted on your blog! It's been a while.

And you're spot on with the voter demographics. Most of the opposition came from Western MD, older voters. The quotes in the paper the next day were pretty funny.

Also interesting that Question 7 (table games at casinos) passed by about the same margin...

Anonymous said...

Besides the issue of marriage being defined as between a man and a woman, what rights are not guaranteed to gays under the Constitution?

Andy G said...

"Anonymous," I found these with a simple search...

You think the definition of marriage is the issue? Why not champion the strict interpretation of numerous other words whose definition have changed over time?